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Lets Cook....

Eggs are the most nutritious ingredient that money can buy. They are low in calories, have a natural source of nutirents, protien and vitamins and can be used as a meal in itself in so many ways. Whether you like a hearty fried breakfast, dippy eggs for the children or a bacon and egg butty to start your day there are numerous methods and meals within which this super ingredient can be used in both Savoury and Sweet dishes from Breakfasts, Snacks, Lunches and Main Meals. We take a look at a few below that we ourselves as a family make and enjoy.


There is nothing better than spending time in your kitchen baking and preparing meals with your family using eggs that you have collected from your own garden hens or those that have come straight from the Market or Farm.

Fresh, colourful and rich in taste you can be sure of the difference it makes and what beautiful meals can be created from the wonderful Egg. Here we aim to give you some super ideas that have been shared by many people over the years, using the most widely used and versatile ingredient - the Egg. Let your taste buds get set on some wonderful flavours and enjoy making them.

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